Zatôichi chikemuri kaidô 1967

Drama Adventure Action

After an artist is threatened by the yakuza into creating valuable but highly illegal pornography, the law aims to execute him. Zatoichi, having been honor bound to protect the man and his family, must now run against the law.

Tous les titres
  • JP: Zatôichi chikemuri kaidô Zatôichi chikemuri kaidô
  • FR: La Légende de Zatoïchi : Route sanglante La Légende de Zatoïchi : Route sanglante
  • JP: Zatoichi 17 Zatoichi 17
  • JP: Zatôichi 17 Zatôichi 17
  • JP: Огонь в глазах самурая Огонь в глазах самурая
  • US: Zatoichi Challenged Zatoichi Challenged
  • JP: Zatoichi Challenged Zatoichi Challenged
  • JP: Zatoichi's Spurting Blood Road Zatoichi's Spurting Blood Road
Date de sortie 05 Apr 1970
Lien IMDb
